Easy Summer Writing Ideas for the Family

Easy Summer Writing Ideas for the Family

2024 Graduate/Janice Broyles Summer is often a time of relaxation and family travel. Many of us take several weeks off of our homeschooling adventures to enjoy the warm season. Learning, however, can take place anywhere and anytime. There are numerous reasons to...

Omega to Alpha

Omega to Alpha

2024 Graduate/Diane Helfrich Your last child is in his senior year. Graduation is coming, and you are frantically wrapping up your school year, getting senior photos and invitations ready, party planning, and starting to accumulate what your student needs for life...

The Ever-Changing Nest

The Ever-Changing Nest

2024 Graduate/Amanda Garner Isn’t it funny that we use the same analogy to describe both ends of our primary parenting years? This irony struck me several weeks ago as I tackled a small stack of dishes waiting patiently for me on the counter. I walked by with a sigh...

NCHE Celebrates Forty Years: The Battle Begins (1985-1987)

NCHE Celebrates Forty Years: The Battle Begins (1985-1987)

Graduate 2024/Matthew McDill North Carolinians for Home Education is celebrating our fortieth anniversary this year! This article is part two in a series that recounts the history of the modern homeschool movement in NC (see the first article in the spring issue of...

A Plan for Career Exploration

A Plan for Career Exploration

spring 2024/Whitney Cranford Crowell Most teens have two criteria when it comes to thinking about a future career: 1. Will it be fun? and 2. Will it make me a lot of money? And truthfully, these are often the top criteria for parents as well. While we may not frame it...

Science and God

Science and God

spring 2024/Jessica Frierson A scientific discovery is also a religious discovery. There is no conflict between science and religion. Our knowledge of God is made larger with every discovery we make about the world. ~Joseph H. Taylor, Jr., astrophysicist and Nobel...

The Competitive Edge

The Competitive Edge

Spring 2024/Diane Helfrich Like many, I was lost when we began homeschooling, and I focused on recreating that brick-and-mortar school in our house. We were up at 7:30 for breakfast and began school between 8:00 and 8:30 with a prayer and a pledge. After that, we...

Every Day Writing Made Easy!

Every Day Writing Made Easy!

Spring 2024/Janice Broyles “I don’t know what to write!” This is an often occurring lament in our homeschooling household. Although my son is now a teen, he still struggles to come up with topics and ideas when it’s time to write. Sometimes, I want to take the easy...

Homeschooling: Shared Life, Shared Memories, Shared Bond

Homeschooling: Shared Life, Shared Memories, Shared Bond

Spring 2024/Dava Banner As a homeschooling mom, I feel that children raised in homeschooling families have so many benefits, including the opportunity to share life with their siblings. I grew up with one sibling of the opposite gender. We lived in the same house,...

Add Homeschooling to Military Life, and It’s a Wild Combo

Add Homeschooling to Military Life, and It’s a Wild Combo

Spring 2024/Natalie Mack Welcome to my niche of homeschooling—the military! In my job at Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), I help military homeschoolers keep going as they navigate some of the same kinds of challenges my own family faced. I constantly...
