by Diane Helfrich, April 2023

There are multiple ways to take in a football game. For example, you can listen on the radio (probably in your car because the only person I know who still does that at home is my husband—he likes the radio announcer for the Denver Broncos). Maybe you like to watch it by yourself at home. Then, there is the option of having friends join you to share food and fun during the game. Last and certainly not least is attending the game in person. Each of these ways gives you a different experience. The same is true of a concert, a play, or a parade. So, I have a question for you. Which one stirs the most energy within you? The answer is pretty obvious.

When you attend a game or event in person, you are part of engaging in a large event with excitement all around you. The excitement seeps into you and creates deep-seated memories that last a lifetime. In contrast, when you watch it alone, you turn off the TV in silence, head to bed, and remember the score and a play or two in the morning.

The Thrive! Conference is like that. You can read about it later, talk to friends who went, listen to talks on MP3s, or take in nothing at all. Should you choose that last option, you miss out on tremendous things! If you can’t attend in person, I recommend listing to MP3s because the talks are excellent. Better yet, come and experience it in person!

When you attend the Thrive! Conference in person, just like that football game, there is a kind of energy and excitement that seeps into your soul and feeds you for the coming year. Like-minded people surround you on a similar journey. Everyone around you is being energized by the information they are taking in. Happiness and conversation reigns everywhere. There are many kids who are all excited to be there. Fear is subsiding, confidence is building, and the energy in the building is palpable—you can feel it when you walk in! Finally, you learn not only things about teaching your kids but about family and marriage dynamics.

Here is a sampling of some of the topics for this year:

  • Ten Messages I Would Tell My Younger Homeschooling Self
  • Turning High School Experiences into Transcripts That Are Impactful
  • 10 Ways to Stop Defiance, Meltdowns & Disrespect
  • The Three Best Things I Did as a Homeschool Dad
  • The World of Worldviews Marriage, Communication and Friendship
  • Laying Down the Rails: The Power of Good Habits in Your Homeschool
  • Money Matters: Saving and Paying for College
  • Lifeschooling: Homeschooling for the YouEconomy
  • Single Homeschooling Parents Need a TRIBE

As you can see, there is much for you and your family beyond homeschooling!  For all the people who say, “I really don’t need to go,” I ask a question. Are you sure these topics would not be helpful in your home? After all, homeschooling is an extension of our families. If our families aren’t working, our marriage isn’t working, or if we are single and managing a career and homeschooling, it affects our homeschooling. When you attend Thrive! and get a different approach to home life, it’s invaluable to your family’s well-being…and your homeschooling.

Here are some quotes from people who have attended Thrive! in the past:

  • First ever homeschool conference, and it was absolutely amazing, loved the vendor fair and speakers, came back feeling like not only a better homeschooler but a more inspired parent, wife and person in general. ~Christine
  • Some of my favorite moments were connecting with other homeschool moms as we shared snacks waiting for a conference to start, or walking together to the bathroom, or talking together after a particularly encouraging workshop. I was reminded that these are “my people,” and that this is my calling in this season. What a breath of fresh air! Blessed to be able to attend this year — looking forward to the future! ~Mary
  • I depend on the conference to show me something new each year, to get me thinking about something I haven’t thought about, or just to find a pearl or two. I really appreciate the wisdom and guidance of those who have finished the journey and those who have perspectives to share at each stage of the journey.  ~Barbara

Not long ago, I talked with a retired homeschooler who ventured back to Thrive! last year after several years of not attending. She said she almost cried when she felt the familiar energy as she walked in. She was back with “her people” and those who understood her life. She reveled in hearing the speakers and learning again from people with visions and information to offer others. This year, she is returning and bringing a new family. What a blessing she is giving herself and others!

It is so easy to say that you don’t have time, can’t afford it, and don’t need it. My take is that you MUST take the time, you can’t afford NOT to come, and you DO need it! You’ll never know how much you need it until you come. You will be filled with confidence, excitement, new friends, and new expectations. I promise all this…and more!

