Homeschool Dads!

Whether you are the primary teacher or support a primary teacher, North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) recognizes that you have a difficult job. We are here to help you.

We’d love to get connected with you and learn what concerns you have. Do you have any homeschooling issues that we might help with? Have you found any good resources or ideas you can share? Do you want to know if there are any other homeschool dads in your area? Let us know what you need. 

To get things started and join our homeschool dads list, could you take 5 minutes to fill out this short questionnaire? You can also reach out to us at with questions or ideas. 

[When you give us your email, you agree to receive emails with helpful homeschool information from NCHE. Thanks!]
Are you the primary teacher or do you support the primary teacher?
How long have you been homeschooling?
Are you connected with other homeschooling families in your area?
If you are connected with other families, how are you connected?
Are you an NCHE member?

Dads Events

Please indicate your interest level in participating with other homeschooling dads in events listed below.
(1 - not interested, 5 - very interested)
(1 - not interested, 5 - very interested)
(1 - not interested, 5 - very interested)
(1 - not interested, 5 - very interested)
