Point Guard Parenting

How do we set our families up to succeed? In the presentation, Wil talks directly to fathers about the importance of their roles. The success of the family does not depend on charisma. See intentional parenting in a way you’ve never seen it before. Wil and Meeke...

I Hated History Too

Why should you spend hours and hours memorizing dates, the names of dead people, and events that happened hundreds and even thousands of years ago? YOU SHOULDN’T! When it comes to studying history—American or world—the most important thing is to think rather than...

Delight Directed High School

Early on, our family adopted a delight-directed approach to homeschooling. When we entered the high school years, I panicked that it wasn’t enough. I worried that I was failing my children and scrambled to make sure we were getting all the necessary classes...