Military Homeschooling 101

Homeschooling for military families has always been a viable educational option. What are some of the reasons military families homeschool, how do we navigate a PCS (relocation) while homeschooling and how do we get connected at our next duty station? This workshop...

You Can Start a Co-op!

Your area needs a co-op, and you’ve felt the pull to start a co-op but you’re unsure if it can be done. Are you qualified? Are you capable? Can a regular person like me even start one? The answer to all those questions is “Yes!” This session will guide you on the path...

7 Mistakes that Many Parents Make

The Scripture says that we are to be aware of the Devil’s schemes. Here we identify seven traps of the enemy that most Christian parents are involved in unawares. Jared Dodd had been doing ministry for the last 20+ years. He and his wife started a full-time ministry...