Homeschooling high school—those 3 little words strike fear and anxiety into many hearts, even if you have been homeschooling for years! In this workshop, Amanda will break down the process of homeschooling for high school, discuss graduation requirements, transcripts, credits, college applications, and so much more. She will share what she’s learned from her 19 years of homeschooling experience and graduating 3 kids from her homeschool (so far). You will leave feeling less stressed and more equipped to homeschool high school!

Amanda Wares is a 19 year homeschooling veteran. Three of her four children have graduated from her homeschool, and they all still love each other! Amanda is married to Michael and is still homeschooling one teenager in central North Carolina. She serves in homeschool leadership at the local and state level and is passionate about encouraging and equipping others on their homeschool journey.

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