Homeschool families tend to bite off more than they can chew when it comes to curriculum choices. We fall in love with all the “shiny and fun” curriculum without coming up with a game plan for how to implement it all. Oftentimes, we need to simplify what we are doing and even (gasp) ditch a little curriculum here and there. This practical workshop is filled with creative ideas on how to supplement what you are already doing and easily plan out a simpler homeschool year (maybe even without curriculum for some subjects).

Kristi Clover is a home organization and #momlife expert. She’s the author of M.O.M.= Master Organizer of Mayhem and Homeschool Basics as well as a popular conference speaker. Her passion is to help Christian women find sanity and joy in the throes of mom life. She loves to share about her adventures in motherhood and home life through a variety of media that you can find at Kristi lives in San Diego with her husband, Steve, and their five children. Be sure to connect with Kristi online for an extra dose of encouragement. She’s @KristiClover on most social media networks.

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