If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character-healthy leaders are those who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children, we must focus on first things first and character is always the first thing! Megan will challenge parents to use every opportunity to teach their children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.

Dr. Steve and Megan Scheibner have spent the last twenty years developing parenting, grand-parenting and youth character development resources. In 2010, they formed Characterhealth.com to share their researched methods with parents worldwide. The Scheibners are biblical counselors with years of counseling experience. Steve received his doctorate in 2011, writing on the role of parents in the character development of children. Megan earned her master’s in Christian ministry in 2020. Years of research into character development have uniquely prepared them to equip today’s parents. With eight children, their practical tips and techniques have undergone years of hands-on testing. Besides speaking at conferences and churches, the Scheibners appeared as guests on Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, In the Market with Janet Parshall, the Glenn Beck TV show, and many other venues. Through seminars, books, podcasts, blogs and articles, they have helped thousands of parents transform their homes and families into relationally strong models of Christian living. Join them as together we train a new generation of courageous, Christ-like and character-healthy leaders.

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