2024 NCHE Homeschool Mini-conference, Asheville Area

October 19
Biltmore Baptist Church West
509 Smoky Park Hwy, Candler

This one day mini-conference is planned to make it more convenient for homeschoolers to attend a day of encouragement, equipping, and connections. This one is primarily for regions 1 and 2, but all are welcome.

Mini-conference Schedule

9:30 Check-in
10:00 Welcome
10:30 Workshop Session 1
11:45 Workshop Session 2
12:50 Lunch
2:00 Workshop Session 3
3:15 Q&A Panel with speakers and mentors
4:00 Farewell and Prayer

Workshop Session 1

Homeschooling with Confidence (Matthew McDill, NCHE President and Executive Director)
How do I know I am giving my children what they really need? For what purpose am I preparing them? How can I most effectively teach them? Are there faulty objectives and strategies I have unintentionally carried over from public education? Even those who have been teaching their children at home for years may struggle with these questions. Our answers influence our priorities and strategies. We will discuss a basic biblical philosophy of education upon which our daily teaching activities can be built.

Homeschooling High School (Scott Clifton, Homeschool Partners)
Are you homeschooling high school in the future or now? Do colleges accept a homeschool transcript or diploma? Scott will help you see how possible—and even better—homeschooling is for high school! These basic topics are included: subjects, transcript basics, college basics, dual enrollment/AP/honors, SAT/ACT, accreditation.

Workshop Session 2

Victory in the Battle (Dana McDill, NCHE)
As a homeschooling mom, you have an important job! The enemy doesn’t like it! He will attack you with lies, discouragement, guilt, regret, failure, doubts, anxiety and depression. He wants to keep you from God’s calling. One of the hardest things about Dana’s journey has been the battle in her mind. It has robbed her of energy, time, health, the joys of mothering, and made her lose focus on what was important. Learn how to be aware of the battle and how to be victorious in it! You can flourish as a homeschooling mom! You are not a failure. God will use your faithfulness to do great things!

Keeping It Legal! (Marji McIlvaine, Classical Scholars, My Fun Science, NCHE Liaison)
What, exactly, does the NC law require to be a legal homeschool? How do I withdraw my child from public schooling—under and over age seven? What do I do if I get a note from DNPE about being audited? What is this testing requirement—that sounds awful! Where do I get a test, and which is the best test? How do I put my child back into public school? Does my curriculum have to be accredited and even can it be? What about sports and my homeschooler and playing in college? Where do I get a diploma for my child? Do I have to wait until my child is seven to homeschool?

Workshop Session 3

Engaging the Culture (Katie Dugdale, Classical Scholars)
Our children are inundated with messages from our current culture at every turn. Agendas are present in TV shows, books, music, and even in our churches. How can we, as Christian parents, engage our children during this age of “post-Christianity” and “woke-ness”? We have good news! God’s word is eternal. God has brought our children into this world for such a time as this and chosen us as their parents. Join me as we look into the current culture and how we can equip ourselves and our children to critically think about the messages they are receiving.

I’m Worn-Out, Going Crazy, & Making My Kids Stupid, Please Help! (Mike & Ronda Marshall, NCHE & BBC)
Have you ever felt this way? If so, please join us for this workshop for both husbands and wives. This seminar focuses on real vs. false expectations, barriers to overcome, and the most important areas to focus on when homeschooling. If you are finding yourself lacking motivation in your schooling and wonder if you can make it to the end, come for encouragement and ideas to help you along the way!

Lunch Options
Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich Packaged Meal (includes chips and cookie)–$10
Spicy Southwest Salad–$11
Or you can bring you own. There are also several fast food options close by. You could run out and get something and bring it back to eat with us.

Registration is $11 per person. Thursday October 17 is last day to register. At the door registration available for cash, but no lunch available.
