Omega to Alpha

Omega to Alpha

2024 Graduate/Diane Helfrich Your last child is in his senior year. Graduation is coming, and you are frantically wrapping up your school year, getting senior photos and invitations ready, party planning, and starting to accumulate what your student needs for life...
The Ever-Changing Nest

The Ever-Changing Nest

2024 Graduate/Amanda Garner Isn’t it funny that we use the same analogy to describe both ends of our primary parenting years? This irony struck me several weeks ago as I tackled a small stack of dishes waiting patiently for me on the counter. I walked by with a sigh...
You Are Almost Done! Now What?

You Are Almost Done! Now What?

Graduate 2023, by Diane Helfrich Dear Mom, Are you about to have your last child fly the nest? If not, that time will come! It’s an exciting time that also comes with much trepidation. I’m sure you are asking yourself, “Have I done enough? Is my child ready?” You may...
Never Too Old to Continue to Learn

Never Too Old to Continue to Learn

12 Aug 2015 I have always loved learning new things. While my children were still at home, I learned how to run sound (for my church), how to buy stocks (for a stock club) and Latin (just for fun). These were topics that I initially knew absolutely nothing about—I was...