Sustainable Homeschooling Includes Rest!

Sustainable Homeschooling Includes Rest!

12 Nov 2014 When I began homeschooling in 1985, I was naively oblivious of the time commitment I was taking on—twenty years! But I immediately discovered that being a homeschool mom tends to be a full-time career. Our kids are always there, always needing something to...
Thoughts from a Mom New to Homeschooling

Thoughts from a Mom New to Homeschooling

5 Nov 2014 Now that the decision to homeschool had been made, I was ready to fully embrace this new adventure. I decided I would attend the state homeschool conference. This was definitely new territory for me. My teen daughter and I went and knew absolutely nobody. I...
The Power of Gifts

The Power of Gifts

17 Sep 2014 Imagine a beautifully-wrapped box lovingly set in front of you. Carefully pick up and examine this mysterious gift. Here are the clues: Your name is on the label; the person who has given it loves you deeply; whoever wrapped it did such a marvelous job...
What if the Art Teacher Taught Math?

What if the Art Teacher Taught Math?

10 Sep 2014 My thirteen-year-old daughter Ellie was participating in a mock trial event, so we took a field trip, along with several moms and teenagers, to visit a courthouse and watch a real trial. As we waited for the trial to begin, the sheriff talked with the...
A Letter to Me—Circa 2009

A Letter to Me—Circa 2009

27 Aug 2014 I’ve been homeschooling since 2009 when my oldest daughter was in the second grade, my middle daughter was three years old, and I was pregnant with my third daughter. I wish I had known then what I know now. If I could go back to 2009, here’s what I’d tell...