Why Homeschool?

Why Homeschool?

13 Aug 2014 Why would anybody in their right mind homeschool their children? Why would a person with a good education not work at a job that pays? Why would an adult do without the nice things that money can buy: the fun vacation, the in style clothes, the better...
The Freedom of Simplicity

The Freedom of Simplicity

  16 Jul 2014 Each year I look forward to attending NCHE’s homeschool conference in Winston-Salem. From all over the state we steadily roll in, building like a rising tide. For three days, we homeschoolers descend upon the city by the thousands, pushing...
Upon a Life I Have Not Lived

Upon a Life I Have Not Lived

7 May 2014 Upon a life I have not lived,Upon a death I did not die,Another’s life, Another’s death,I stake my whole eternity. This hymn by prolific nineteenth century Scottish hymn writer and pastor Horatius Bonar has become my homeschool theme song, both my...
Persevering Perspective

Persevering Perspective

2 Apr 2014 You are facing extraordinary challenges, regardless of how easily your kids are learning. Parenting itself is more demanding, more fraught with difficulties, than ever before, and homeschooling adds layers of complexity, stress and labor beyond that. Don’t...