My Homeschooling Deadly Ds

26 Mar 2014 I don’t know about you, but I find myself beginning every school year with goals paralleling my mental image of a homeschooling Cleaver family. June wakes up cheerfully at least an hour before the rest of her family. She spends time with the Lord, starts...
Do What You Believe

Do What You Believe

11 Dec 2013 I just spoke to a group of homeschoolers in Northern Indiana. It was a great meeting with lots of laughs. I could tell from the tears and nods of affirmation that what we talked about penetrated straight to the hearts of the moms in the crowd. Afterwards,...
Learning in the Autumn

Learning in the Autumn

16 Oct 2013 One of the freedoms I cherished most about homeschooling was that my kids could discover the adventure of learning rather than the boredom of school. To actually break through the bonds of boredom and into that learning adventure, however, may require some...