Feel the Rain

Feel the Rain

Spring 2019 / by Daphne Petrey One day in the middle of a lengthy wet spell, my three daughters and I were at home getting a little stir crazy—some more than others. When the rain finally let up a bit, and one asked to go outside, I said, “Yes!” I figured a little...

Don’t Break That Bad Habit

Spring 2019 / by Sonya Shafer When we lived near Chicago, my husband, John, rode his bike for long treks in all kinds of weather. He liked to take the roads that led out of our suburb and into a relatively undeveloped country because they were less traveled. The...
The Sunny Mrs. Dorsey

The Sunny Mrs. Dorsey

Fall 2018 / by Sarah Hicks When I was in sixth-grade, my science teacher was Mrs. Dorsey. She had blonde hair that looked like cotton candy and a slightly mischievous glint in her eye. Mrs. Dorsey stood on her desk and sang memorization songs about mitosis while...