Rearing Innovators

Rearing Innovators

Spring 2019 / by Sarah Hicks As a boy, Orville Wright was expelled from elementary school for mischievous behavior. Nevertheless, he and his older brother, Wilbur, were successful entrepreneurs with their own printing press by ages fifteen and seventeen. Both favored...
The Five Ps of Picking Curriculum

The Five Ps of Picking Curriculum

Spring 2019 / by T.K. Chapman Ah, spring! The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, and the birds and bugs are emerging. Homeschool catalogs appearing in your mailbox. An unmistakable freshness and newness permeates the air. It’s the time of year when many...
The Sunny Mrs. Dorsey

The Sunny Mrs. Dorsey

Fall 2018 / by Sarah Hicks When I was in sixth-grade, my science teacher was Mrs. Dorsey. She had blonde hair that looked like cotton candy and a slightly mischievous glint in her eye. Mrs. Dorsey stood on her desk and sang memorization songs about mitosis while...