Stay the Course

Stay the Course

Spring 2018 / by Donna Mariucci As I prepare to graduate our third child from our homeschool in May, I am keeping in the forefront of my mind the advice I heard from more than one seasoned homeschool mom over the last sixteen years. Stay the course. This Christmas...
Choose a Clear Finish Line

Choose a Clear Finish Line

Spring 2018 / by Amanda Garner I stood on tiptoes, peering over the shoulders of those crowded into the stands, hoping, as the others around me, to catch a glimpse of my beloved athlete. The white line stretching across the lanes was an invisible dam, holding back the...
How to Make Knowledge Easy

How to Make Knowledge Easy

Spring 2018 / by Matthew McDill Several years ago, this Proverb caught my attention: A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding. (Proverbs 14:6) The part that really struck me was the claim that “knowledge is easy for a man of...
Reflections of a Retired Homeschool Mama

Reflections of a Retired Homeschool Mama

Fall 2017 / by Ivey Deitz As many of you are planning out a new school year, excited, anticipating what lies ahead, I am reflecting on my years of homeschooling. It has been a full year since I closed our homeschool (at the time of writing this article.) We graduated...