Thrive! The NCHE Homeschool Conference

NC's Single Best Resource for Homeschoolers

Thrive! The NCHE Homeschool Conference

Knowledgeable and Inspiring Speakers

Thrive! The NCHE Homeschool Conference

Huge Vendor Hall

Huge Vendor Hall

Fun and Educational Teen Activities

Fun and Educational Teen Activities

Engaging Children's Program

Engaging Children's Program

Thrive! The NCHE Homeschool Conference

May 23-25, 2024,   Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Benton Convention Center, Embassy Suites & Marriott

Note: These pages are for the 2024 Thrive! Conference. These pages will be updated in November 2024 for the 2025 conference. 

The Thrive! NCHE Annual Homeschool Conference strives to help parents homeschool with confidence and joy. Our name, Thrive! The NCHE Homeschool Conference, reflects the goal of the conference and mirrors the NCHE vision “NCHE has a vision for flourishing families and thriving generations in which people remain passionate, curious and actively engaged in their faith and in their learning.”


The Thrive! Homeschool Conference mission is to Equip, Encourage and Connect:

  • Equip and encourage homeschooling families through an abundance of outstanding speakers and workshops
  • Equip homeschoolers with quality curriculum resources through our extensive vendor hall
  • Connect homeschool families with each other to build relationships and a strong community
  • Equip, encourage and connect our teens and alums through special workshops, fun activities, fellowship, and our state-wide graduation

Thrive! Homeschool Conference Features

  • Knowledgeable and Inspiring Speakers
  • Huge Vendor Hall
  • Fun and Educational Teen Activities
  • Engaging Children’s Program
  • Informative College Fair
  • Regional Gatherings
  • Special Group Gatherings
  • Homeschool Mentoring

Featured Speakers

  • Wil and Meeke Addison—Straight Edge Ministries and Culture Proof
  • Kathryn (Bell) Gomes—Apologia author and homeschool graduate
  • Vicki Bentley—Educational consultant for HSLDA
  • Kristi CloverM.O.M. = Master Organizer of Mayhem
  • Steve Noble—The Steve Noble Show & NOBLE U
  • Todd Wilson—The Familyman & The Smiling Homeschooler

Conference Program Download

Quotes from Past Attendees of the Thrive! Homeschool Conference

So thankful this conference exists, and grateful for everyone who volunteers and works so hard to make it happen. We look forward to it all year long!
Thank you for putting on another wonderful conference. My husband and I left feeling encouraged, refreshed and empowered to keep leading our kiddos. ~Jean-Marie

We just finished our second year of homeschooling, and it was my first time (along with my husband) attending the conference, and boy was I impressed! Everything exceeded my expectations, and it was an absolute joy to be there! I was expecting to learn a little more about all things homeschooling and having many moments of encouragement, but I had no idea my cup would overflow (in the best way!) with all things homeschool but also parenting and marriage! Such a blessing to have been there, and my husband and I both left with so much insight, encouragement and tools to better equip us on this journey! THANK YOU!


First ever homeschool conference, and it was absolutely amazing, loved the vender fair and speakers, came back feeling like not only a better homeschooler but a more inspired parent, wife and person in general. ~Christine


Thank you for putting on the conference! It was my first time there, and I look forward to participating for years to come! ~Jaimie


This is my first year attending the conference. It has been so encouraging, and I have so many new ideas to consider to make the homeschool experience what I want it to be for my family. ~Tracie


This is a highlight of my year and helps me just rest/be encouraged. ~Jessica


My husband and I have rarely missed a conference in the 23 years we’ve been homeschooling. It is a major highlight of our year in so many different ways. We feel beyond blessed by the Lord to have the privilege to homeschool and to be doing so in NC! NCHE-you are the best!!


Some of my favorite moments were connecting with other homeschool moms as we shared snacks waiting for a conference to start, or walking together to the bathroom, or talking together after a particularly encouraging workshop. I was reminded that these are “my people,” and that this is my calling in this season. What a breath of fresh air! Blessed to be able to attend this year – looking forward to the future! ~Mary


Thank you, thank you, thank you for a WONDERFUL experience every year! My absolute favorite professional thing to do is attend NCHE conference!! ~Caroline


This was an amazing trip. The speakers and being able to chat with them, the organization of the whole convention. If there were problems, they were not fretted over for the public to see. Thank you (all) for this opportunity to happen for everyone.  ~Karen


Thank you for keeping the conference fee itself affordable!  ~Caroline


I depend on the conference to show me something new each year, to get me thinking about something I haven’t thought about, or just to find a pearl or two. I really appreciate the wisdom and guidance of those who have finished the journey and those who have perspectives to share at each stage of the journey.  ~Barbara


This conference is such a blessing to me and my family.  ~Lynette


My daughter and I really appreciate the college fair. She was able to talk to several schools that she had not considered.  ~Melissa


I look forward to the conference each year. It’s just the encouragement I need to prepare for another school year!  ~Christy
